九州大学大学院医学研究院眼科分野 九州大学医学部 眼科








  • 1.The influence of subretinal injection pressure on the microstructure of the monkey retina Takahashi K, Morizane Y, Hisatomi T, Tachibana T, Kimura S, Morizane-Hosokawa M, Shiode Y, Hirano M, Doi S, Toshima S, Araki R, Matsumae H, Kanzaki Y, Hosogi M, Yoshida A, Sonoda KH, Shiraga F; PLoS One. 13(12): e0209996, 2018/12/31
  • 2.Integration of genetics and miRNA-target gene network identified disease biology implicated in tissue specificity Sakaue S, Hirata J, Maeda Y, Kawakami E, Nii T, Kishikawa T, Ishigaki K, Terao C, Suzuki K, Akiyama M, Suita N, Masuda T, Ogawa K, Yamamoto K, Saeki Y, Matsushita M, Yoshimura M, Matsuoka H, Ikari K, Taniguchi A, Yamanaka H, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Itoh M, Yoshitomi H, Ito H, Ohmura K, Forrest A, Hayashizaki Y, Carnici P, Kumanogoh A, Kamatani Y, de Hoon M, Yamamoto K, Okada Y; Nuc Acids Res. 46(22):11898-909, 2018/12/14
  • 3.Interethnic analyses of blood pressure loci in populations of East Asian and European descent Takeuchi F, Akiyama M, Matoba N, Katsuya T, Nakatochi M, Tabara Y, Narita A, Saw WY, Moon S, Spracklen CN, Chai JF, Kim YJ, Zhang L, Wang C, Li H, Wu JY, Dorajoo R, Nierenberg J, Wang YX, He J, Bennett DA, Takahashi A, Momozawa Y, Hirata M, Matsuda K, Rakugi H, Nakashima E, Isono M, Shirota M, Hozawa A, Ichihara S, Matsubara T, Yamamoto K, Kohara K, Igase M, Han S, ..., Miki T, Nabika T, Yokota M, Kamatani Y, Kubo M, Kato N; Nat Commun. 9:5052, 2018/11/28
  • 4.Association Study of ARMC9 Gene Variants with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease in Japanese Patients Ohno T, Meguro A, Takeuchi M, Yamane T, Teshigawara T, Kitaichi N, Horie Y, Namba K, Ohno S, Nakao K, Sakamoto T, Sakai T, Nakano T, Keino H, Okada AA, Takeda A, Itou T, Mashimo H, Ohguro N, Oono S, Enaida H, Okinami S, Mizuki N; Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 27(5):699-705, 2018/11/05
  • 5.Genome-wide analyses identify a role for SLC17A4 and AADAT in thyroid hormone regulation. Teumer A, Chaker L, Groeneweg S, Li Y, Di Munno C, Barbieri C, Schultheiss UT, Traglia M, Ahluwalia TS, Akiyama M, et al.; Nat Commun. 9(1):4455, 2018/10/26


  • 1.ROCK inhibitors for the treatment of ocular diseases Nourinia R, Nakao S, Zandi S, Safi S, Hafezi-Moghadam A, Ahmadieh H; Br J Ophthalmol. 102:1-5, 2018/01/01
  • 2.OCTアンギオグラフィを始めるために-コツと落とし穴-:加齢黄斑変性 大島裕司; 臨床眼科 72:1660-1667, 2018/12/15
  • 3.加齢性疾患への対応Q&A I加齢黄斑変性 Q21ドルーゼン様色素上皮剥離について教えてください 大島裕司; あたらしい眼科 35:100-103, 2018/11/30
  • 4.近視の疫学 上田瑛美, 安田美穂; あたらしい眼科 35(臨増):106, 2018/11/30
  • 5.眼内悪性リンパ腫の診断と治療 武田篤信; 臨床眼科 72(増刊号):306-310, 2018/10/30


  • 1.An Overview of Diabetic Retinopathy Nakao S, Yoshida S, Sonoda KH; Nutritional and therapeutic interventions for diabetes and metabolic syndrome 2:139-154, 2018/06/28
  • 2.Retina施設めぐり(外来施設編)国立病院機構九州医療センター 武田篤信; RETINA Medicine 7:82-83, 2018/10/01
  • 3.日本人のヒット論文-本音で語る苦労話- 中間崇仁; RETINA Medicine 7:83-89, 2018/04/01
  • 4.MSとNMOの視神経炎の鑑別疾患 長谷川英一; 神経内科Clinical Questions & Pearls 中枢脱髄性疾患  :209−214, 2018/02/10
  • 5.反復性の炎症 HTLV-1関連ぶどう膜炎 長谷川英一; 眼科診療ビジュアルラーニング 2:216-219, 2018/02/05


  • 1.Treatment outcome of cystoid macular edema secondary to retinitis pigmentosa Shimokawa S, Ikeda Y, Fujiwara K, Murakami Y, Sonoda KH; the 12th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society, Seoul,Korea, 2018/12/16
  • 2.Detection capability of microaneurysms in diabetic retinopathy eyes improves using averaged optical coherence tomography angiography image Kaizu Y, Nakao S, Arima M, Wada I, Yoshitomi K, Sugino M, Hashiguchi N, Hirashima Kota, Sonoda KH; The 12th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society, Seoul,Korea, 2018/12/15
  • 3.The new development quantification system for the evaluation of disease activity in exudative age-related macular degeneration by using en face hyperreflective foci Wada I, Nakao S, Kaizu Y, Yamaguchi M, Arima M, Ishikawa K, Kano K, Shiose S, Oshima Y, Ishibashi T, Sonoda KH; 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON OCT ANGIOGRAPHY AND ADVANCES IN OCT, Rome, Italy, 2018/12/14
  • 4.Clinical features of sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid in 121 Japanese patients Sano Y, Akiyama M, Takaki K, Fujii Y, Seki E, Shiose S, Yoshikawa H, Tanabe M, Sonoda KH; The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-China-Korea Ophthalmologists, Fukuoka,Japan, 2018/12/02
  • 5.Efficacy of topical ganciclovir eye drop for treatment of cytomegalovirus anterior uveitis Okamura M, Ishikawa K, Hasegawa E, Yawata N, Yamana S, Nakao S, Sonoda KH; The 11th Join Meeting of Japan-China-Korea Ophthalmologists, Fukuoka,Japan, 2018/12/02


  • 1.Therapeutic Effect of Novel Single-Stranded RNAi Agent Targeting Periostin in Eyes with Retinal Novasculariozation 中間崇仁; 日本糖尿病眼学会総会 福田賞受賞講演 福田賞受賞講演, 東京都, 2018/10/20
  • 2.糖尿病網膜症における 細胞イメージングを使った病態解明 中尾新太郎; 日本糖尿病合併症学会 Young investigator award 受賞講演 東京都, 2018/10/19


  • 1.Chronic Inflammation as a Pathology and Potential Therapeutic Target in Retinitis Pigmentosa Murakami Y; Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society Electrophysiology and Retinal Dystrophy, Seoul, Korea, 2018/12/14
  • 2.An Inflammatory Perspective of Retinitis Pigmentosa Murakami Y; The 57th Annual Meeting of Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society Symposium New Concept of Pathology of Vitreoretinal Diseases, Kyoto,Japan, 2018/12/08
  • 3.Evolution of vitrectomy probes Ishikawa K; The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-Korea-China Ophthalmologists Morning Seminar Latest Advancement in Retina and Vitreous Surgery and Treatments, Fukuoka,Japan, 2018/12/02
  • 4.Genetics of common eye diseases for precision medicine Akiyama M; The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-Korea-China Ophthalmologists Luncheon seminar Fukuoka, Japan, 2018/12/02
  • 5.Analysis of posterior segment inflammation in uveitis using three-dimensional optical coherence tomography  Hasegawa E; The 11th Joint Meeting of Japan-China-Korea Ophthalmologists Luncheon Seminar The most advanced insights in ocular imaging and analysis, Fukuoka,Japan, 2018/12/01


  • 1.Healios Business Strategy (3 pipelines+3 years) Kagimoto T; ISCT Japan Series Webinar Program Partnering in Japan: The Athersys • Healios Story Webinar, 2018/12/13
  • 2.The importance of vision gain&sharing of Japanese experience in DME treatment Sonoda KH; Busan-Kyungnam Power Forum Busan,Korea, 2018/11/16
  • 3.Healios' Business Strategy T Kagimoto; USJLP Informal Working Lunch Tokyou,Japan, 2018/10/28
  • 4.Healios' Business Strategy Kagimoto T; Takeda Cell Therapy Town Hall Kanagawa,Japan, 2018/10/25
  • 5.Healios's business strategy Kagimoto T; UBS Healthcare Summit 2018 Singapore, 2018/10/19

